A movie starring Oprah Winfrey in the cast crew ranked among the big flops 2018

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“A Wrinkle in time” did not generate the expected benefits. Well on the contrary…

An adaptation of a novel published in 1962, this adventure-fantasy film produced by Walt Disney brought together some crowned Hollywood stars like Reese Whiterspoon or again Oprah Winfrey.

“A Wrinkle in Time”, a feature film by Ava DuVernay, is the first in the history of film in real-world shooting made by a black woman with a budget of 100 million.

The film tells the story of two children, Med and Charles Wallace whose father mysteriously disappeared. This disappearance will justify the appearance of three supernatural xpower beings: Mrs. Quiproquo (Reese Whiterspoon), Mrs. Quidam (Oprah Winfrey) and Mrs. Who (Mindy Kaling). Meg will soon discover that her father’s disappearance is no stranger to her research on a tesseract that can act on space-time and thus allow for travel throughout the universe.

The three women then announce to Meg and Charles Wallace that they must save their father. With the help of a Calvin O’Keefe, they will venture into extra-terrestrial planets to confront the forces of evil and save their father.

Released early 2018, the movie generated 132 million in revenue for a budget of 100 million? Not bad! In fact, it is necessary to add to the production costs the advertising budget, estimated at… 250 million dollars! Which is still an important gap.

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