Miss Cameroon: The Comica claims 2.2 billion for damages suffered

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The private body, chaired by Ingrid Solange Amougou, has brought an formal appeal for annulment of the press release justifying the reclaiming of the “Miss Cameroon” concept.

The big question that now lingers is whether the Miss Cameroon election will take place anytime soon. Which is however hard to say. A few days after the reclaiming of the concept by the Ministry of Arts and Culture (Minac), the organizing committee of Miss Cameroon (Comica), so far organising the competition, decided to react.

On 27 December, it introduced, by way of a lawyer, a formal appeal for the annulment of the communiqué of the Minac (in which it reclaimed the organization of Miss Cameroon) and demands the sum of 2.2 billion CFA francs compensation for the damage suffered.

“The Minister of Arts and Culture cannot reclaim the concept of “Miss Cameroon” since she had never initially had a primitive ownership of this concept,” it writes in the appeal of the Comica to the Minac. An “unacceptable hold-up” according to the Comica, which does not intend to let go of the case.

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